Many people like to start off the new year by setting resolutions to make changes like losing weight, exercising more, eat healthier, stop smoking, start improving their financial situation by removing debt or building a business or a number of other things.

There are many oils that are helpful for making changes in your life. There are many good essential oil blends that are good to help you in the process of working toward goals and resolutions. Actually, I don’t really like New Year’s Resolutions. People usually don’t take those seriously, however, I am a firm believer in setting goals and making action plans to achieve those goals.

Essential oils are very useful to help focus your energy and intent. To make that even more powerful, why not use essential oils along with EFT to really power up your focus and intent as you are working toward your goal. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a powerful tool in making changes and removing negative things that block your success.

Essential Oils - Motivation, Transformation and Release With EFT for Goals and Resolutions

When you are using oils with EFT, you just add 2 or 3 drops of oil to your fingertips before you begin tapping through the EFT points.

Motivation: This is one of my favorite oil blends for help getting moving. Motivation oil can help you overcome negativity and procrastination, so you can move past old patterns and reach your goals.

Using Motivation oil and EFT For lack of motivation when you are not motivated to exercise. For that, You could use a setup phrase like: “Even though I am not motivated to exercise, I deeply love and accept myself.” Then tap through the points. It doesn’t matter which points you tap on. Just tap through the points while focusing on the words. You can add your own words too.

Use Release essential oil blend when you want to release any negative emotion or limitations.

Use Transformation essential oil blend when you finish tapping through the clearing and feel ready to move forward. Focus on the positive thing you are working toward and see yourself achieving it.

Here’s and EFT Script to help you get motivated:

Apply 1 – 3 drops of Release oil on your fingertips, then tap on the Karate Chop Point with the oiled up fingertips. As you are tapping the EFT Points, you will have enough remaining oil to carry to all the other points.

Reaching Goals with Essential Oils and EFT
While tapping the Karate Chop Point, Repeat 3 Times:

Even though I have been feeling unmotivated, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel like doing anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m just not motivated to do ____________, I choose to do it now.

Focusing on the negative feelings you want to release.

I am not feeling motivated.
I don’t feel like doing it.
Feeling really discouraged.
I just can’t seem to get started.
I am resisting getting started.
I don’t know what to do so I put it off until later.
I’m a little tired so I will wait till later.
I don’t feel motivated.
I want the changes but I am not feeling like doing the work.
I’m tired of thinking about this.
I don’t want to get it going.
Yes I DO want to get it going.
But I am feeling unmotivated.
Releasing the habit of putting things off.
Letting go of the unmotivated feeling.
I am releasing the unmotivated feeling.
Letting go of the unmotivated feeling.
Release and let go of the unmotivation.

Switching to Positive Feelings

I can shift this mood anytime and I choose to shift it now.
I choose to feel motivated.
I am feeling motivated.
I choose to get moving.
I step into energy and motivation.
I am moving forward one step at a time.
I feel good moving forward.
I am moving forward a little more each day.
I feel more and more motivated with each step I take.
I enjoy taking action.
I choose to be joyful, energized and motivated.
I AM joyful, energized and motivated.
I am accomplishing my goals in a calm and confident way!
I am making a total transformation.
I love transformation.

If you need, keep tapping through until you feel ready to stop. You can use whatever words feel right to you and whatever oil you are drawn do use.

If you want more info, here is a link with some info on how to do EFT:

EFT Tapping For Those Days When You Feel Crappy and Unmotivated:

The link below has a little information on the science behind EFT even though it is about how to use it for business. It applies to anything you use EFT for.

Click HERE to order any of these essential oil blends