Ancient Chinese medical
texts extolled wolfberries for strengthening the eyes, liver, and
kidneys as well as fortifying the "qi" (chi) or life force. An early
medical work, Shen Nung Ben Tsao (475-221 B.C.), noted wolfberry
benefits ranging from replenishing vital essences to strengthening
and restoring major organs. The physician's handbook, Ben Cao Gang
Mu, written during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) reported,
"taking in Chinese wolfberry regularly may regulate the flow of
vital energy and strengthen the physique, which can lead to
longevity." | |
Wolfberries Are a Chinese National Treasure The good health
and vitality of the Ningxia elderly has long been attributed to
wolfberries. To the people of the province, a bowl of fresh wolfberries a
day is part of life. Its health benefits have been extolled for
generations. In fact even today, the Ningxia wolfberry is considered a
national treasure.
In ancient times, the Chinese people were said to have three cherished
tonics for health. They were ginseng, ling tzi, and wolfberries.
According to ancient Chinese texts,
Nourish the yin
Support the blood
Help support the kidneys and liver
Strengthen the eyes
Fortify the muscles and bones
Enhance the "chi" or life
D. Gary Young Re-Discovers Ancient Longevity Secret D. Gary
Young has made it his life's mission to search the world for the secrets
of long life, health, energy, and vitality. In 1993, Gary Young was
introduced by Cyrus McKell, a professor of Botany at Weber State
University, to a Chinese scientist who was visiting the United States.
This Chinese scientist, Dr. Songqiao Chao, told Gary about a simple,
delicious-tasting berry with amazing health benefits. He said that Chinese
wolfberries had been used for thousands of years in China to treat a wide
variety of ailments. What's more, Dr. Chao related that the people who
consumed them on a regular basis lived remarkably healthy lives for
100-plus years. This information led Gary on an inspiring odyssey to the
Ningxia region of China located on the Inner Mongolian plateau.In Ningxia,
Gary investigated the tiny red fruit known as the Ningxia wolfberry. He
agreed that this small berry was the remarkable source of the vibrant
health and long lives of the Chinese people of the region.
Gary Young First to Import Wolfberries into US in Commercial
Quantities Gary Young - through Young Living Essential Oils - was the
first to import Ningxia wolfberries into the United States on a commercial
basis. Dr. Chao's daughter, Sue Chao, assisted Gary Young in bringing the
Ningxia wolfberry to the United States. In 1996, when Gary Young first
attempted to import large quantities of the Ningxia wolfberry powder, it
was quarantined by U.S. Customs as an unknown "peculiar" substance.
Customs agents said that it had never before been imported to the U. S. in
commercial quantities.

The Hometown of the Wolfberry The Xinhaua News Agency
reported that the Ningxia variety of Lycium barbarum "is far
superior to ordinary Chinese wolfberry in both tonic effects and
economic results." Due to their superior quality, some of the
medical studies done on wolfberry have specified the use of the
Ningxia wolfberries. As with other plants, the Chinese wolfberry has
a number of species or varieties. Of the 80 different species of
wolfberries worldwide, the Lycium barbarum from Ningxia has by far
the highest levels of immune-stimulating polysaccharides.
Ningxia's Perfect Geography for Wolfberries The Huang He
(Yellow) River originates in the Himalayan Mountains and flows
through the Ningxia Province. This river creates a unique,
mineral-rich, super fertile silt-water flood plain found nowhere
else on earth, producing incomparable wolfberries. The beautiful
Ningxia region is called "China's herbal medicine valley" and is
renowned for meeting all of the stringent rules to be awarded the
prestigious "Green Certificate", the equivalent of the USDA's
Organic Certification.
Ningxia Wolfberries Win Prestigious Awards The Ningxia
Wolfberry Group takes great pride in the nine national and international
gold prizes won by its famous wolfberry. The Ningxia wolfberry has won
three gold prizes in the China Agricultural Fair and a gold prize in the
Malaysia International Food Fair.