The secret to long, healthy life may be to eat lots of fresh berries. The reason why? The aging process is now largely understood to be the action of free oxygen radicals that arise in our bodies through normal metabolism and cell function as well as from external environmental sources.
Most free radicals contain electrically unbalanced oxygen atoms. Free radicals can be thought of as partial molecules frantically looking for their missing parts. This makes them hungry and aggressive, ready to grab a chunk from whatever tissue is available (namely a piece of our bodies). Hence, they can cause problems by disrupting normal function at a cellular level. As long as our bodies can keep these radicals in check by dissipating them harmlessly, we stay youthful and healthy.
When we suffer an immune deficiency or experience excess stress from environmental factors such as ambient radiation, impurities in our air or water and foods, etc., free radicals can be formed in our bodies at a rate faster than we can handle. These radicals aggressively attack our own tissues causing unhealthy mutations and irreversible damage. The consequences of this include accelerated aging, and a host of other problems.
There are foods and substances that absorb free radicals (containing antioxidants) and the more you partake of these, the more youthful and healthy you will remain.
* Scientists at Tufts University have developed a scale for the U.S. Department of Agriculture called the ORAC test.
* (ORAC-Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) The higher the ORAC, the higher the ORAC score, the more capable that particular food is of destroying free radicals, thus retarding the ageing process.
The top natural antioxidant foods as determined by Tufts University so far are as follows:
Carrots 210
Oranges 750
Beets 840
Raspberries 1,220
Strawberries 1,540
Blueberries 2,400,
NingXia Wolfberries 30,300
COMPARE: Clove Essential Oil 1,078,700 per 100 grams.
Clove is the champion of with over 1 million!! That means a drop of Clove contains more than 300 times more antioxidant per unit volume than wolfberries, the most powerful of all known fruits.
Essential oils have the highest ORAC scores of any known substance. According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference, 4th Edition, they are as follows:
Essential Oil – ORAC Scores
Clove ….. 1,078,700
Longevity (Blend) ….. 151,100
Myrrh ….. 379,800
Citronella ….. 312,000
Coriander ….. 298,300
Fennel ….. 238,400
Clary Sage ….. 221,000
German Chamomile ….. 218,600
Cedarwood ….. 169,000

Rose ….. 160,400
nutmeg ….. 158,100
Marjoram ….. 139,905
Melissa ….. 134,300
Ylang Ylang ….. 130,000
Palmarosa ….. 127,755
Rosewood ….. 113,200
Manuka ….. 106,200
Wintergreen ….. 101,800
Geranium ….. 101,000
Ginger ….. 99,300
Bay laurel ….. 98,900
Eucalyptus citriodora ….. 83,000
Cumin ….. 82,400
Black Pepper ….. 79,700
Vetiver ….. 74,300
Petitgrain ….. 73,600
Blue Cypress ….. 73,100
Citrus hystrix ….. 69,200
Douglas Fir ….. 69,000
Blue Tansy ….. 68,800
Goldenrod ….. 61,900
Melaleuca ericifolia ….. 61,100
Blue Yarrow ….. 55,900
Spikenard ….. 54,800
Basil ….. 54,000
Patchouli ….. 49,400
White fir ….. 47,900
Tarragon ….. 37,900
Cajeput ….. 37,600
Peppermint ….. 37,300
Cardamom ….. 36,500
Dill ….. 35,600
Celery seed ….. 30,300
Fleabane (Canadian) ….. 26,700
Mandarin ….. 26,500
lime ….. 26,200
Galbanum ….. 26,200
Myrtle ….. 25,400
Cypress ….. 24,300
Grapefruit ….. 22,600
Hyssop ….. 20,900
Balsam Fir ….. 20,500
Niaouli ….. 18,600
Thyme ….. 15,960
Oregano ….. 15,300
Cassia ….. 15,170
Sage ….. 14,800
Mountain Savory ….. 11,300
Cinnamon Bark ….. 10,340
Tsuga ….. 7,100
Valerian ….. 6,200
Cistus ….. 3,860
Eucalyptus globulus ….. 2,410
Orange ….. 1,890
lemongrass ….. 1,780
Helichrysum ….. 1,740
Ravensara ….. 890
lemon ….. 660
Frankincense ….. 630
Spearmint ….. 540
lavender ….. 360
Rosemary ….. 330
Juniper ….. 250
Roman Chamomile ….. 240
Sandalwood ….. 160
Compare these numbers with the berries and you can tell how potent essential oils really are. The last six oils on this chart are even more powerful than wolfberries.
Clove is the champion of all with an ORAC score over 10 million!! That means a drop of Clove contains 400 times more antioxidant per unit volume than wolfberries, the most powerful of all known fruits.
Of course, the comparison isn’t quite fair since oils are concentrates while fresh fruits are not, nevertheless, a 15 ml bottle of Clove Oil has the antioxidant capacity of 150 lbs of carrots, 40 quarts of blueberries or 16 gallons of beet juice.
Have the Antioxidant Power of . . .
2.5 tablespoons of NingXia Red Juice, 5 pounds of carrots, 2.5 quarts of carrot juice, 10 oranges, 20 ounces or orange juice, 2.5 pounds of beets, 1 pint of beet juice, 4 cups of raspberries, 2.5 cups of blueberries.
This means a drop of clove in your drinking water or a drop of any edible essential oil in anything you eat, is good support for a healthy immune system and you don’t have to eat a dozen oranges or drink a quart of beet juice every day to do it. A couple of spoonfuls of NingXia Red will do it, too.
The bottom is this: The benefits of breathing, applying and taking essentials oils internally while consuming NingXia Red and other supplements are far greater than you can imagine.
NingXia Red is a super-antioxidant berry juice containing juices from berries and essential oils rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene.
I am a bit confused by your comment on here that clowe oil has this high ORAC per drop, when Brunswick Labs, who developed this scale, says it is determined by this method: All antioxidant capacity measures are estimated by Ferric Reducing Power, and are expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent (TE) per 100 grams (µTE/100 g). The ORAC test is accurate to /- 5%.
There is not 100 grams in a drop of oil. Am I missing something? Gary Young, about 2004, said that clove oil had an ORAC of 10,786,000 plus. Naturally I assumed, from what Brunswick Labs told me about 2005, that this was per 100 grams oil, not per drop. The reason I had called Brunswick Labs in the first place is because they had taken their rating scale off-line, and I asked why, where they told me, and I knew this already, that their scale was being improperly used, either intentionally, or due to lack of understanding, which i did see happen with a distributor website of NONI juice.
Yes Dave. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. That was supposed to say per 100 grams, making one drop very high compared to the list of vegetables. A good addition to support a healthy immune system.