Have you ever done a Raindrop, just on your feet? It’s marvelous! I apply each one of the oils, in the sequence that I would use in a Raindrop, mostly to the bottoms of the feet, but using what’s left on my hands to also rub the tops of the feet.
This is awesome for tired feet!
The sequence is: Valor, oregano, thyme, basil, wintergreen, cypress, marjoram, peppermint, Aroma Siez, and Ortho Ease. I use about 2 drops of oregano and thyme, and about 3 – 4 drops of each of the other oils, on each foot. In fact, if you ever wished you could have a Raindrop (on your back), and don’t have anyone nearby trained and available – give yourself a Raindrop on your own feet!
The oils go up and throughout the whole body and you’ll feel wonderful.
Order Raindrop Kit from Young Living Essential Oils
Order Code #3137