Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils prior to application. They carry the essential oils further into the tissue or help hold the essential oil topically. Carrier oils vary in thickness. Tired and overworked muscles respond best when the essential oils penetrate deep into the tissue. For this application, choose a lighter viscosity carrier oil.

If applying to someone with sensitive skin, use a medium viscosity carrier oil to slow down the rate of absorption.

Fast Absorption
Apricot Kernel
Camellia Seed
Rose Hip

Average Absorption
Hemp Seed

Slow Absorption
Flax Seed
Evening Primrose
Macadamia Nut
Sweet Almond

Carrier oils from Light Viscosity to Barrier:

Sunflower Oil
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Young Living V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex
Red Raspberry Seed Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Jojoba Oil
Olive Oil
Avocado Oil
Balms and Salves – Coco Butter, Shea Butter Coconut Oil.

The really thick oils can be used as a barrier.

When using carrier oils in making your own skin care recipe, you will want to consider the comedogenic rating of the different carrier oils. Choosing carrier oils with lower comedogenic rating will reduce the likelihood of clogged pores.

Comedogenic Ratings

0 – Won’t clog pores
1 – Very low likelihood of clogging pores
2 – Moderately low
3 – Moderate
4 – Fairly high
5 – High likelihood of clogging pores

Argan Oil – 0
Sunflower Oil – 0
Shea Butter – 0
Safflower – 0
Hemp Seed – 0
Abyssinian oil – 1
Castor Oil – 1
Rosehip Seed Oil – 1
Apricot Kernel – 2
Almond Oil – 2
Black Seed Oil – 2
Evening Primrose – 2
Grape Seed Oil – 2
Hazelnut Oil – 2
Jojoba Oil – 2
Olive Oil – 2
Pumpkin Seed Oil – 2
Avocado Oil – 3
Corn Oil – 3
Sesame Seed Oil – 3
Coconut Oil – 4
Coconut Butter – 4
Cocoa Butter – 4
Palm Oil – 4
Wheat Germ Oil – 5

Carrier Oils For Different Skin Types

Normal Skin – Hempseed, Coconut, Grape Seed, Sunflower, Sweet Almond

Oily Skin – Grape Seed, Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel Jojoba, Sunflower,

Sensitive Skin – Jojoba, Sesame Seed, Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel

Mature Skin – Grape Seed, Jojoba, Sesame Seed, Rosehip Seed Oil, Almond, Apricot

Five Easy Steps to Blending Essential Oils

Decide on the purpose or reason that you’re creating the blend.
Choose the application method – bath, diffusion, compress, massage etc.
If necessary get the supplies you need (like V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex or diffuser etc.)

Select 3 – 5 essential oils that will work together to accomplish your purpose.

Choose the dosage or concentration level of the oils you need – for the method you want.

Carrier Volume 1% EO 2% EO 4% EO
1/2 Ounce (1 TBS) 3 Drops 6 Drops 12 Drops
1 Ounce (2 TBS) 6 Drops 12 Drops 24 Drops

1% is great for kids and the elderly
2% is great for all over body lotion type application
4% is great for concentrated area of massage

Add the oils to your carrier oil or lotion or to your bath (usually 8 – 10 drops) or whatever method you chose – and enjoy!

Other things to remember:

• Only add 1 oil to a “ready made blend”.
• Use only 3 – 5 oils to make your own blend.
• Blend just one drop at a time. One drop can make a big difference.
• Write down what you do – so you avoid making mistakes twice and also so that you can recreate what you like.
• Blend in small quantities so that you don’t have a big batch of something you hate. Once your blend is perfected
you may go ahead and make larger quantities.
• Mix your oils in a glass container.
• Have FUN! Let imagination and your nose guide you.