Ways to Use Frankincense Essential OilI remember Gary Young commenting that, if he could only choose one oil to use, it would be frankincense. Frankincense essential oil is one of the most versatile and powerful essential oils and it’s no surprise why it is commonly called, “The King of Oils.” Frankincense includes the naturally occurring constituents alpha-pinene, limonene, sabinene, and beta caryophyllene

I go through Frankincense faster than any other essential oil because it is so effective AND versatile! I love the way my skin feels and looks when I add it to my beauty routine. If you are ever wondering what oil to use, Frankincense is almost always a good choice!

Here are a few good ways to use Frankincense essential oil.

1. Uplifting – Frankincense is nice for you need a bit of an uplift to your mood. Some days are like that Wear it like a perfume and inhale. Frankincense is a good essential to diffuse.

2. Stress Relief – Apply to temples or wear as perfume. Inhale. Promotes feelings of relaxation and tranquility.

3. Mental Focus – Inhale, drop a couple drops on crown of your head and rub a drop or two on your temples when you need to focus on a task.

4. Support a Healthy Immune System – Take Frankincense Vitality Essential Oil 1-2 drops in a clear vegetable capsule as a supplement. You can also add to water, juice or NingXia Red.
Never take oils internally unless you are using Young Living Oils. Many oils are adulterated even though labeled 100% PURE.

5. Helps alleviate minor aches associated with daily life – Rub on areas of discomfort after a busy day.

6. Clean Cuts and Scrapes – Apply a drop of Frankincense to small cuts and scrapes to clean.

7. Healthy Hair – Add a few drops of Frankincense and a drop of Cedarwood to your shampoo for healthy, lustrous hair that smells amazing.

8. Reduces the appearance of uneven skin tones – Massage Frankincense anywhere skin needs a boost to help reduce the appearance of uneven skin and blemishes.

9. Supports and maintains the appearance of healthy-looking, radiant skin. Especially beneficial for mature complexions. Frankincense is a main ingredient in Young Living skin care products like ART Skincare, Sheerlume and several others.

    Massage a drop of Frankincense into facial skin after cleansing, followed by applying your regular moisturizers.

    Add a few drops to your face cream or body lotion and rub directly into skin.

    Massage into the skin on hands and feet after a long day to restore skin’s texture.

Recipes Using Frankincense Essential Oil

Strengthen Nails
2 drops Wheat Germ oil
2 drops Frankincense
2 drops Myrrh
2 drops Lemon
Rub on nails twice per week to strengthen nails.

Glow Serum
10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Copaiba
10 drops Lavender
Add essential oils into a 30ml amber glass bottle. Fill the rest with jojoba oil. Shake it up and add about 2 drops to your face. Apply after cleansing your face as a part of your nightly skincare regimen.

Beautiful Skin Blend 1
2 drops Rose
2 drop Frankincense
2 drops Myrrh
3 drops Sandalwood

Blend in 1 oz of Rose Hip Oil and apply as needed.

Beautiful Skin Blend 2
5 drops Sandalwood
5 drops Vetiver
5 drops Geranium
5 drops Lavender
5 drops Frankincense
Mix with Lavender Body Lotion. You can add it directly to the lotion bottle or make smaller batches.
Mix with 2 OZ Lavender Body Lotion store in a container.

Scalp Rejuvenation Spray

1 cup distilled water
10 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
10 drops Frankincense essential oil
8 drops Cedarwood essential oil
2 drops Royal Hawaiian™ Sandalwood essential oil
1 tsp. V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex
Spritz this recipe over your hair throughout the day to keep it from looking dry!

More DIY recipes: Healthy Skin Care with Essential Oils

Sacred Frankincense vs. Frankincense, do you know the difference?

Young Living offers both Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense essential oils. These oils have similar properties and can be easy to confuse. Both essential oils come from the frankincense tree, but are found in different species. You may know that there are many different types of eucalyptus, for example, Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Blue, and Eucalyptus Globulus are all different species of Eucalyptus essential oils that Young Living offers. Boswellia Carterii (Frankincense) and Boswellia Sacra (Sacred Frankincense) are different types of Frankincense essential oil Young Living offers!
Here’s how you can tell these two oils apart!

– Comes from the Boswellia carterii tree
– Produced primarily in Somalia, along with more than 80 percent of the world’s production
– Used more commonly to support healthy-looking skin
– Contains the powerful component Insensol

Sacred Frankincense:
– Comes from the Boswellia sacra tree
– Produced in Oman and grows in challenging climates
– Contains about 20% more alpha-pinene which contributes to its distinctive fragrance
-Used more commonly to heighten spiritual awareness.

More on Sacred Frankincense Here:

Click HERE to Order Young Living Essential Oils