Young Living sources oils from three types of suppliers:

    1. Corporate Farms – owned, managed and run by Young Living
    2. Partner Farms
    3. Seed To Seal Certified Suppliers

The same level of quality is expected regardless of where we get our oils. Whether they come from our farms, our partner farms or one of our Seed To Seal Certified Supplier, the bar is always the same. 100% Seed to Seal quality.

Seed To Seal Certified Suppliers

Every single supplier has to must meet Young Living’s standards. We do stringent quality testing. We make sure all of the documentation is there. This testing is done every single time we get a batch of oil from a supplier. We are very serious about what we expect from our suppliers. Each supplier must go through Seed To Seal training and certification. They cannot supply to us unless they go through this process.

Then once through the training process they must sign a declaration that they WILL comply with Seed To Seal. It’s a contract and they are held accountable. They are also required to understand strict compliance rules and must comply with their country’s rules but also laws within the US.

Enhanced visits
Many supplier distilleries are shocked when YL comes to visit. They say none of the other companies they have supplied have ever come to see how we do things. The only way you can check all of that is if someone is there. So we go there to make sure they are following the rules.

When we visit a supplier, we want to know some things that contribute to the quality of the oil. Where do their seeds come from? In the example of ylang ylang trees, where did they get those trees 15 or 20 years ago when they were first planted?
As you replant, where did that come from? We watch the distillation process. We also ask to see record keeping. How do they
keep track of their distillation. How do they keep track of inventory. How they keep track of the people who work for them. How are they being paid? Business licenses, proof of taxes being paid. We don’t just want to be sure the oils are being produced the right way, we want to make sure they are running their company the right way.

Next Level is Partner Farms

Once a supplier qualifies to this level, Young Living then provides significant capital investment in the farm. We rebuild the distillery. Resources and go there for the long term to teach them each step of the process and give them even more skills than they had to date. More tools and resources. Longer term contracts. Exclusive relationships with them. They only sell to Young Living and not to a competitor.

New Partner Farm in Quintis Farm in Perth, Australia – Sacred Sandalwood

Newest Partner Farm – Balkan Botanical Farm in Bulgaria
This farm will be producing Roman Chamomile and Valerian. We have not had these oils in over 2 years. Over the years many samples of these oils have been submitted to Young Living but they did not meet Seed to Seal quality standards so they were rejected. We are not willing to compromise our quality standards. We would rather not have the oil, than sell a lower quality product.


sides the corporate owned farms, there are currently 7 Partner Farms. This number is growing as we turn Certified Suppliers into Partner Farms.

Corporate Farms

Corporate farms are owned and operated by Young Living. More on Young Living Farms