Have you used essential oils in the laundry?

Ditch the harsh chemical dryer sheets and switch them for something natural and chemical free! Wool dryer balls dry and soften your clothes faster, without using chemically loaded dryer sheets or fabric softener.

Did you know that dryer sheets are loaded with harsh chemicals? Sure they make your clothes smell nice but that scent is actually synthetic and could contain up to 200 different chemicals. Dryer sheets have been linked to asthma, allergies and even respiratory issues and skin problems. Not to mention, the ingredients found in chemical softeners and dryer sheets are not environmentally friendly and can be quite harmful.

Dryer Balls with Essential Oils
You will LOVE the way wool dryer balls will fluff your clothes and you can use them to infuse your laundry with essential oils!

To help with static, use white vinegar and 2 metal safety pins.

Using white vinegar in the dryer is great trick for eliminating static. You can simply spray a clean washcloth, sock, pre-cut piece of cloth, or dryer balls with vinegar and a few drops of Tea Tree, Lavender, Lemon, Bergamot, or other essential oils. This item is then tossed into the dryer with everything else.

You can also pour about 1/4 c. of white vinegar into the fabric softener dispenser on your washing machine. You can’t smell the vinegar.

Another trick to help cut down on static is to pin two safety pins on two different items in the dryer. I have seen people attach the safety pins to 2 of the wool dryer balls.

Click HERE to Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends for cleaning, laundry and lots of other awesome uses.

These are busy times. So much to do and no time for unnecessary down times. Essential oils can ease the pressure during busy times in your life. Try some of these ideas to help with a balanced lifestyle.

Need to relax so you can get a good night’s sleep?
Young Living’s Peace and Calming or lavender on the bottom of your feet and brushed on your pillow case before going to bed.
Try ImmuPro – a natural melatonin supplement.

Too much exercise?
Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, PanAway, Peppermint, Idaho Balsam Fir, Deep Relief, Relieve It – rub them where it is needed.

Having a stressful day?
Try Stress Away
Or …
Valor – bottom of feet or a drop on one wrist and hold the other wrist to it for a few moments
Harmony – single drop over the solar plexus (above the belly button)
Joy – single drop, over the heart
White Angelica – single drop in one hand, rub hands together, and brush head, face, shoulders, arms, body, right down the legs, over the clothes, as if applying an “angelic shield”

Need a little support for your healthy immune system?
Get more sleep, drink plenty of water, and use supplements: Longevity, Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Exodus, Cleansing Trio, Ningxia Red, ImmuPower (oil blend),
Thieves oil blend in capsules.

Respiratory support?
RC and Raven – RC chest and back, Raven bottom of the feet, several times a day. Next day switch – Raven chest and back, RC bottom of the feet, several times a day. Next day, switch back go back and forth, day by day until you get the results you want.

Need more energy?
MultiGreens (supplement) and Ningxia Red juice every day Peppermint on the body or diffused in the room.

Would you like to Support a Healthy Weight? Try the Slique Products:
Slique CitraSlim
Slique Tea
Slique Essence
Slique Gum
Slique Shake
Slique Bars

Would you like enhanced clarity of thought?
Frankincense, peppermint, Clarity, Brain Power, vetiver

Need to enhance your financial well-being?
Did you know that Young Living has an awesome income opportunity? You can earn enough to cover the cost of your essential oils and oil infused products, supplement your income AND grow an income that could replace other income sources. It’s up to you.

Order Young Living Products Today

Having healthy, vibrant and beautiful skin means having a healthy liver. The liver is one of the most important detoxifying organs in the body. It is the most complicated organ with the greatest number of functions (known to have 5,000 chemical functions a day) transforming digested food into usable materials and disposing of waste, thus affecting every cell of our body.

Over a liter of blood passes through the liver every minute. When the liver is overloaded, the skin excretes the toxins and poisons present in the body. Some of the symptoms of a stressed liver include the following: skin irritations, blemishes, acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, itching skins or hives, heart burn, bloating, general fatigue, nausea and abdominal swelling, yellow discoloration of the skin or eyes, loss of appetite, dark colored urine and loss of energy.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals in Daily Living
The average woman applies 300 chemicals to her body every single day, 80 of them before breakfast. The top 10 most dangerous chemicals in our home are air fresheners like plugins or candles. Second on the list is chemical cleaning supplies for your counters, floors and toilets, as well as drain and oven cleaners and furniture polish, dishwasher and dish detergent, beauty supplies and personal care products like hairspray, gel shampoo, deodorant. One of the top pollutants in the family home is laundry detergent and fabric softener. You wash your clothes, it sits on your skin, outgasses in your closet all night long. That information was from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s top 10 Killer Household Chemicals Study.

All of these Harsh chemicals contribute to an overloaded liver. This is why it is important to be aware of the chemicals that are in the products we are using on a daily basis. You can reduce a lot of them by replacing with healthier options. Young Living has a large selection of products that are free of harsh chemicals. Click HERE for few examples.

Eat for a Healthy Liver
Everything you eat must pass through your liver, so pay attention to your nutrition to keep a healthy liver and a healthy you with youthful, radiant skin.

Eat a well-balanced diet.

Avoid deep fried foods, smoke, cured and salted foods.

Use alternative seasonings in your cooking such as lemon juice, onion, garlic, mustard, cloves, sage, oregano or thyme.

Increase your fiber (fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains).

Eat fruit instead of rich desserts and drinks.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink fresh lemon in warm water upon arising in the morning.

Use supplements and or essential oils to support your healthy liver: Examples: Ledum, Helichrysum, Carrot Seed, Geranium, Cardamon, Sage, Rosemary CT cineol, German Chamomile and Roman Chamomile.

Young Living offers two oil blends to support a healthy liver: JuvaFlex and Juva Cleanse and a supplement called JuvaTone.

Today’s lifestyle is fast paced and seems to get faster all the time. Sports and recreation and just every day living can take it’s toll on our muscles and joints. Especially as we get older we really begin to feel the effects of all the years of overwork on joints.
Young Living Sulfurzyme
Young Living’s Sulfurzyme product combines pharmaceutical-grade MSM with the power of Chinese Ningxia Wolfberries. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a natural sulfur-bearing nutrient that occurs widely in nature (found in everything from mother’s milk to fresh vegetables). MSM supplies this vital building block nutrient to your cells. Sulfur is so important for healthy hair, skin, nails, and connective tissues. In fact, it is a key building block of every single cell membrane in your body.

Wolfberries are a treasure trove of protein, amino acids, and more than 21 minerals. It is not well known, however, that in order for the sulfur to be properly metabolized, the body requires important trace minerals like molybdenum. That’s why Sulfurzyme is so effective, combining sulfur with wolfberries allows MSM to be completely metabolized. Together, wolfberries and MSM offer powerful support for muscles, joints, and skin.

Sulfurzyme is a combination of Methyl Sulfonal Methane (MSM) and Lycium Barbarum (Chinese Wolfberry) that together with ionic minerals create a great support to the immune system and also is supporting almost every major body function, and forestalling an array of degenerative conditions. I am ever more appreciating this as I am in my 50s and noticing the effects of age. 😉

When our bodies grow older and are chronically shortchanged of key minerals like sulfur and MSM, the bonds between our cells become increasingly rigid and brittle — a condition that can lead to a loss in skin flexibility and contribute to skin wrinkles. The internal manifestations of this cellular brittleness are far less visible but have a far greater negative impact on the body. MSM’s ability to reintroduce flexibility into cell structures, therefore, can have widespread restorative effects.

MSM is a natural sulfur that helps build the amino acids responsible for protein building and muscle formation. MSM has the ability to equalize water pressure inside of the cells. This is helpful to support healthy joints and tissues.

The Sulfurzyme ingredient, Chinese wolfberry, has been used in Asia since ancient times for its benefits against aging and for supporting healthy vision, kidney, and liver function. Wolfberry is higher in vitamin C than ascorbic acid, higher in beta carotene than carrots, and higher in amino acids than bee pollen. Wolfberry is very high in antioxidants.

Visit the link below to read about how Sulfurzyme is making my gray hair disappear.
Young Living Sulfurzyme For Hair and Skin

Click HERE to order Sulfurzyme

It can be a real challenge keeping balanced and on track when someone you love is going through a painful time and you become the caregiver. It is a challenge for both the person in need of care and the caregiver. Essential oils can be very helpful in a variety of ways.

This is what my husband Mark and I have been going through lately. I have had to step into the role of caregiver. It’s not the norm for us at all. Mark usually does 90% of the cooking and 50% of the cleaning. He loves to cook and just don’t. 😉 I run 90% of our home business, he runs most of the household duties. Well, things have changed a bit over the past year but dramatically in the past couple of months. Mark has 3 bulging disks pressing on the nerve in his spine. It is VERY painful. Lately it is so bad he has been bedridden most days. He can get up for a few minutes but can’t take sitting or standing for very long. He has an appointment with a neurosurgeon next week. Hopefully some help soon.

I thought I would share a bit of all of this with you because you may have need of this information now or sometime in the future. Lots of things can happen to put someone in need of care, even young people.

Take Care of YOURSELF While You’re Taking Care of Others

It is a blessing that I am able to be working from home with Young Living Essential Oils. It allows me to take care of Mark but also have all kinds of oils and supplements that are helping support both of us through this stressful time.

Some days I need a little Clarity oil to get focused on things I need to to. I am running back and forth from my office to our bedroom to check on Mark and care for his needs, plus cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. Shifting back into a business mindset after being in caregiver mode can be a challenge. I used Young Living Clarity oil to get my mind focused on writing this article today. I love Clarity oil blend on normal days but really thankful I have it during this time.

Stress Away is an essential oil blend that is wonderful during times when things are going on. I find myself getting hyper when I have things to do and the interruptions keep coming. Just put some Stress Away on your hands and inhale deeply.

Lately I find myself using a LOT of Young Living Joy essential oil blend. Things have really changed for us. It makes me kind of sad when I see Mark suffering. Well, that’s an understatement. He can’t do the things he loves to do. He also feels discouraged about that. Joy is an oil that can help emotional support for both the one cared for and caregiver.

Sacred Mountain is another oil I find myself drawn to lately. When I use it I feel strong like a tree. Sacred Mountain is a blend of Ylang Ylang and conifer oils that promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding, and protection when diffused. I diffuse it but I also wear it like a perfume. I love the smell.

Valor or Valor II – Use on the bottom of your feet to feel more balanced and confident as you go through the process of helping your loved one through this difficult time.

Harmony – Use on each of the energy center points of your body. There are seven of them along the body: tail bone/root, naval, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown (top of head). Helps with balance.

Peace & Calming
– The name says it all. 😉

Sleep can be an issue when a person is caring for someone with a health issue. Sleeping next to Mark, I can hear the painful outcries in the night. It is really difficult to sleep knowing your loved one is suffering. The problem is, you need your sleep so you can have the energy to take care of them.

Lavender and Cedarwood are my favorites for relaxing before bed time. Other options are Roman Chamomile, Stress Away, Valerian, Tangerine, RutaVala and Peace & Calming.

DIY Relaxing Bath Salts
4 cups of Epsom Salts
12 drops of Lavender
6 drops Cedarwood
Glass Jar

1. Pour Epsom Salts into the jar and drop essential oil on top of the salts.
2. Seal and Shake to blend well.
3. Add 1/2 to one cup of the salt mixture and add under warm running water.
3. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
3. Drink plenty of water after enjoying your relaxing soak.

DIY Bedtime Linen Spray

4 oz glass spray bottle
2 tablespoons witch hazel or vodka
6-10 drops lavender essential oil
6 tablespoons water

In the spray bottle, combine the witch hazel or vodka and the lavender essential oil. Place the top on tightly and shake well for 15-20 seconds to combine the oil and witch hazel or vodka. Then take the top off and add water so the the essential oil distributes into the water. Replace the top and shake well again. Spray a bit on your hand to test the smell. If you want the scent stronger, add a few more drops of essential oil.

Shake well and spray on linens or other fabrics as desired.

Night Time Body Lotion
1/2 cup shea butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup almond oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops Stress Away or Cedarwood
Melt Shea Butter and Coconut oil together. Then add almond oil. Cool until almost hardened. Whip with mixer while adding essential oils. Continue mixing until completely mixed. About 5 minutes.
Use before bed time.

When caring for someone, you sometimes can find that you have worked a little too hard and need a little soothing for those tired muscles.

Muscle Roll On
20 drops Wintergreen
20 drops Copaiba
20 drops Peppermint
Mix in 10 ml roller bottle fill to top with coconut oil.

Soothing Relief Recipe 1
10 drops basil
8 drops wintergreen
6 drops cypress
3 drops peppermint

Rub oil blend neat on location. Mix with V-6 Mixing Oil or or Base Recipe below.

Soothing Relief Recipe 2
3 drops lavender
4 drops cypress
3 drops wintergreen
4 drops marjoram
5-6 drops Roman chamomile
4 drops peppermint

Rub oil blend neat on location. Mix with V-6 Mixing Oil or Base Recipe below.

Base Recipe:
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Beeswax, Shea Butter, or combination of the two:
SOFT: Use 2 Tbsp Beeswax per 1/2 CUP of oil mixture
FIRM: Use 4 Tbsp Beeswax per 1/2 CUP of oil mixture
EXTRA-FIRM: Use 6 Tbsp Beeswax per 1/2 CUP of oil mixture
HARD: Use 8 Tbsp Beeswax per 1/2 CUP of oil mixture

SOFT – This is a good one if you are wanting something closer to a lotion.
FIRM – A little more firmness.
X-TRA FIRM – this version would be a good choice for a foot or elbow balm.
HARD – Good for a lip balm or deodorant.

Place coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil and beeswax and shea butter in small glass jar. Place jar into pan and fill with approximately 2-inches of water. Heat over medium-heat, stirring mixture in jar until everything is melted. Remove pan from heat. Using a clean kitchen towel or wash cloth, carefully remove jar from pan and place on cutting board to cool. While cooling stir with knife to make sure contents stay well mixed.
Before adding your choice of essential oils, let the mixture cool a little but not too much. Letting the mixture cool helps to preserve and protect the delicate chemical constituents in the essential oils. You can speed the process by gently stirring with a clean knife. Add the essential oils while stirring and mixture is just starting to turn opaque and beginning to harden.

Supplements to support balance: Super Cal, Super B, Mineral Essence, OmegaGize, NingXia Red, NingXia Nitro, NingXia Zyng

Order Young Living Products

It’s easy to get started right away. Just Click HERE to start shopping with Young Living Essential Oils.